Monday, January 28, 2013

Science and Religion

My name is Megan and this is my first time EVER blogging. Should be interesting!
I've chosen today to blog about the relationship between science and religion. I find the interaction between the two to be fascinating because, while they might initially appear to be contradictory, it seems possible that they could potentially work together to explain the world. Now, this is an extremely broad topic that could probably be talked about endlessly, so I am going to focus on an article written by Albert Einstein that deals in part on the relationship between religion and science. As I'm sure everyone knows, Albert Einstein was one of the best, if not the best, scientific mind of the twentieth century. However, far from thinking that the two were mutually exclusive, Einstein appeared to believe that they could complement each other. As he so eloquently puts it in the attached article, "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." Einstein seems to say here that neither can exist alone-to tell a complete story, they must work together. This is quite an interesting idea, one that many educated people today might scoff at, but one I think has the potential to fully understand the universe as a whole. I think I could probably discuss this for a while, but I'm not quite sure how long these blogs are supposed to be. Anyway, here's the link to the article if anyone wants to read it. Hopefully you guys find it as thought provoking as I did!

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